Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hello and welcome back to out video blog on the Shuttle Balance.  Today I decided to show some core exercises I like to put my athletes and patients through.  Both utilize the plank position.  I love plank just because you can do so many different exercises with it.  Today I did my plank/reverse crunch and side plank with a push-up. 

First the plank/reverse crunch.  You will need a swiss ball or something similar for under the patients legs.  Make sure you are there to supervise and support the patient as they first get on the balance and ball.  Once the patient is in position, just have them start bringing their knees toward their chest.  Make sure the patient is maintaining good core alignment, keeping their abs and glutes taunt.  20-30 reps is a good, but challenging number.

The side plank with a push-up is a little more challenging.  Have the patient start in the plank position.  Then, have them twist 90 degrees to either the right or left so that they are only being supported by one hand.  Then the twist back to plank and then to the other side.  I like to add a push-up in between, that's the P90X in me, but you don't have to add a push-up. Again, 20-30 reps will be a good challenge.

Want to make these even harder???? Remove the red elastic bands and watch them wobble!!  Thanks for watching and reading!  Please feel free to contact me at

And GO M-I-Z-Z-O-U!!! Beat them Sooners!

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